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Maryland Family Law Attorneys

Separation Agreements & Uncontested Divorce

Separation Agreements and Uncontested Divorce in Maryland

Even if you and your spouse do not see eye to eye on every aspect of your divorce, you may be interested in obtaining an uncontested divorce in order to avoid costly and emotional divorce litigation. Negotiating a separation agreement – also known as a marital settlement agreement – may help you achieve this goal.

At the Maryland law firm of Trainor, Billman, Bennett, Milko & Smith, LLP, our family law attorneys have an extensive breadth of experience during which they have seen a wide variety of marriage, divorce, and custody situations. Thus, our divorce attorneys are well suited to recommend settlement terms and help clients understand their rights and likelihood of meeting their goals in the settlement process.

Separation Agreements and Uncontested Divorce in Maryland

Our experienced Anne Arundel divorce attorneys are always willing to explain the advantages of engaging in the settlement process and to pursue uncontested divorce judgments through the negotiation of separation agreements. It is often most desirable and financially prudent for couples to work collaboratively to decide the terms of their own families’ future rather than engaging in an expensive and protracted litigation process which ends with a stranger, one Judge, determining their future. In fact, Maryland’s fairly new law which allows couples to pursue a divorce based on “Mutual Consent” is a welcome change for many spouses who do not want to endure the twelve-month waiting period and can successfully negotiate a satisfactory written settlement agreement and thus, proceed directly to a final Absolute Divorce through an informal uncontested divorce hearing before a Magistrate of the Circuit Court.

Obtaining an Amicable Divorce Through Settlement Negotiation

In Maryland, a separation agreement or marital settlement agreement is a formal legal agreement between two spouses that spells out the rules governing how they will live separately. A typical separation agreement includes negotiated settlements governing:

  • Child custody;
  • Child support;
  • Property division; and
  • Spousal support.

One way to look at a separation agreement in Maryland is this: In a typical marriage, each spouse takes on certain financial and child care responsibilities. A separation agreement replaces these informal arrangements with a formal agreement between spouses who are no longer living together. Separation agreements are binding, legal contracts which affect the rights and obligations of both parties for many years.

These agreements are often incorporated as part of the parties’ Judgment of Absolute Divorce, which also means the agreement becomes a court order, enforceable in a Contempt action. As such, separation agreements must be written with clear and concise language that anticipates many different future occurrences.

Our family law attorneys are skilled at drafting separation agreements to address the common terms in most divorce circumstances as well as adding any special language that addresses each client’s unique family circumstances and desired outcomes both in the present and in the long term.

Each of the terms in the agreement can be negotiated either during the mediation process or more informally between attorneys or parties. Our divorce attorneys are skilled negotiators who know how to advocate for our client’s rights and desired outcomes – and when to stop negotiating and start preparing for trial.

Contact Our Anne Arundel Divorce Attorneys about Your Uncontested Divorce

For assistance with a separation agreement or an uncontested divorce action in Maryland, speak with us. Contact us online or call 410-280-1700 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss whether you need a separation agreement. The law offices of Trainor, Billman, Bennett, Milko & Smith are located in downtown Annapolis.

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Michelle and Her Team Are Really “That Good”

After a thorough research of divorce attorneys in the Annapolis area, I decided to retain Michelle to handle my case. As stated in the other reviews, she is incredibly knowledgeable, compassionate, and communicative. She was invaluable in helping me thru the divorce proceedings, and I would highly recommend her to anyone.

— Former Client
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